Share Your Testimony!

And they overcame and conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, for they did not love their life and renounce their faith even when faced with death. Revelation 12:11 (AMP)

Read What People are Saying About Gods Amazing Healing Power!

""What an amazing conference with such a sovereign move of God! It's the first time I was overtaken by the Power of the Holy Spirit, and as I laid on the floor for almost an hour, God healed my heart and did a rewiring in me! I wish I had the words to describe this life changing event I have a new hunger and excitement for all God has in store for my life!" "

Maria Billinis

"I asked my husband "What is that smell?" He looked at me strangely as I had not had my sense of smell for years. God healed me and I can smell again! "

Nan Taylor

""I had been in back pain all of my life and can not remember the last time I did not hurt due to old back injuries. As I was prayed for at a bible study, God completely healed my back and I have never had pain again! Praise God!!!"- John"

"Joey had back pain. We prayed for it. The pain left." Praise God! "

""Brien received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues!" Praise God! "

""The Holy Spirit was teaching me things into my heart and it was overall mostly a biggest blessing and my heart over flows with smiles and completely at peace and comforted and consumed with contentment with more healing to my life here to." "

Lacey Key

""The Women's conference with Annie was a weekend of renewal and restoration. I was turned upside down by God ...shaken out and refilled.. What an amazing experience. He revealed His love for me and it continues as the days and now weeks go by. One of the amazing things about God is that when you have a life changing experience with Him it isn't over when the building closes up and the lights go off. It the last few days I have realized that my sense of smell is retuning. Over 8 years ago i burned out the olfactory nerve lin my brain from using oven cleaner so often in the restaurant I was managing. Any way just a few days ago I smelled garlic for the first time in years and since then several other odors that I haven't been able to detect for years.......praise God." ~ Nan "

""I know it's been a couple weeks since the conference, but God is still healing and moving in my life! I called my sister, who lives in Florida, and she did not sound good. She said she was having an allergic reaction to something, and her ears plugged up and her throat was swelling shut! She even asked me if I knew her address so I could call 911 if it got much worse. I offered to call her back, but she wanted me to keep talking,to distract her. As I was talking , I could hear that her labored breathing was not getting any better. I started to tell her about my experience when I was slain in the Spirit for over an hour during the conference. How God had healed my heart and rewired a bunch of things in me. I them proceeded to talk about many other topics ( as I am Greek, and that's how we communicate )! After many minutes she was quiet, and I asked her if she was ok.? She said that she was totally healed when I said that my heart was healed at the conference! She said that immediately after I said I was healed, her ears popped open and the swelling in her throat left! Praise the Lord! I am learning that there is tremendous power in the words of our testimonies! Opah!!" ~ Maria"

"On March 18th of King’s Table, I was so fearful that I might not see my daughter for many years because she had left to Dubai to meet her young twin brother & sister. I believed that she was still in Portland with her older sister Erica, which I was shocked to find out was not the case. Candra prayed for her safe return. That same night I prayed for Faith in tongues then cried myself to sleep. March 23rd, Faith safely arrived home. 3 hours later our country started talks about shutting down all flights in America. The very next morning I awoke to news that more than 13,000 Americans are stuck in countries all over the world, unable to get home. I was most fearful of her being kidnapped by her father Ahmed in Dubai. Thank you Jesus & Heavenly Father. She is home safe! Thank you Pastor Candra! ❤️"

Kelli Mattson

"God gave my wife and I a vision of a ministry that we are about to begin through our church. We have decided to call it The Lion's Share. Love in resources to children who are pulled from homes into emergency foster care. We have had delays in starting but tonight (word from Kings Table) I feel more urgent to fill this need. This will be huge for our community."

Will Garten

"Max prayed for our back and bones. After his prayer my back wasn't aching anymore. Praise God 🙌🙌 Thank you Jesus!! It had been aching 6 weeks since my bladder surgery. Blessings to you and your prophetic team."

Helen Tower

"Hello, my mother in law asked for prayer for me and my husband last night on the live prayer video. (Melissa Ann) and when the brother started praying for us he said “When you pray for rain you better get a umbrella) God spoke to me last year to put the name Reign on my child’s name, i almost fainted when he said that lol. I know it was a prophetic word from God.... Me and my husband had been trying for a baby for over 8 years, believing our waiting is over!!!!!"

Mary Smith

"Thank you God for using Max yesterday ,You revealed to Max the need I had and we give you all the praise and glory. I am so humbled that you Lord love me, so much, that you saw fit to reach down and touch me with a healing hand and to also speak encouraging word into my life."

Nan Taylor

"I had several miracles last night. 1. When Max prayed for healing, my neck was feeling better. 2. When said that a lump in someone's are pit is gone, that was me. 3. When Max called my name "Marianne " God had heard your the beginning of the zoom I prayed...Father please give my husband a word. No one was around me when I said so for God to speak to Max...that was amazing. "

Marianne Rodriguez

"Last week, I was extremely blessed to have a one on one appt with a precious prayer warrior! My thyroid and hormones had been out of wack for quite some time. She commanded them to function properly and they did immediately. All tenderness, weakness, lethargy all left immediately. (Please keep this part out of my testimony~my chest size had grown to 36 DD. I was in pain actually. Now my chest is dropping sizes and I am feeling so much more normal 😊) She said to me, “you have been getting cold.” Yes, I had been until she commanded my hormones & thyroid to function properly. She saw into my cells and told me they were barely moving or functioning as they should, that they were almost at a complete stand still. Then I felt massive energy raging through my body from the top to bottom, and my feet felt like they were buzzing! Then she said, God is sending energy to your body straight from his thrown. And then said he was pushing everything that was not of him, out of my feet. I have been hiking miles everyday with steep inclines, since my encounter with Holy Spirit one week ago and this lovely prayer warrior! My body has so much energy!!! My eyes get a little tired before bed. But my body feels stronger than it ever has in my life. 😳 The lingering depression that still clung was broken off. I experience joy everyday, no matter my circumstances. She said that the Lord told her he wanted to do many creative miracles for me, and they just kept coming. She then said that Jesus placed his mantle on my shoulders. I felt a warmth on my shoulders. She said that when he wanted me to pray for people, I would feel this warmth of him placing his mantle on my shoulders and I would feel joy. This happened the very next day, so I placed my hands on a loved ones eyes and obeyed God and prayed in tongues. God loves us all recklessly. There were more blessings and healings, but I must wait before I can make final report because I must wait for testing to see if ailment is gone. I believe it is, but must confirm it. Much love to you all. ❤️"

Kelli Mattson

"Thank you I was so full of pain. The pain has calmed down"

Tammy Miller

" My husband is listening and his back is feeling better / My back is feeling better and my knee is well!!"

Olivia Hanna

"Rhiannon’s Neck Pain Is Gone!"

Gail Korona

"Back/Hip Pain Gone!!!"

Amber Whitney

" Back Pain Gone!"

Cameron Douglas

" My tooth Feels Better!"

April Saucier

"For almost three years I have had serious hip issues. I have gone to two different chiropractors to have them adjusted but I would only have a few days of relief. In 2018-2019, I was seeing my chiropractor on a weekly basis and sometimes even twice a week. Eventually, all of this lead to confusion and then I knew it was the enemy. In 2019, during the summer, I decided I wasn't going to see the chiropractor anymore because it was just too confusing. I was trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. I was taking supplements, trying to eat healthy, but it was a battle. Once confusion set in, I just said, God, I don't know what to do anymore, so I am going to do nothing. At least for now. On Tuesday, May 12th, I had my healing pool appointment. Prior to this appointment, I fasted and prayed and spent some quality time with God. During this time, God reveled to me why my hips hurt so much. During my healing pool appointment, Jessica and Nan both walked me through some unforgiveness I didn't even realize I was harboring. Once Jes felt the ground was plowed and I had done my due diligence with the unforgiveness, it was time to talk healing. I mentioned to them that I saw a snake wrapped around my hips and Nan said prior to the call she saw a belt or something around me waist as well. They walked me through some prayers and my pain level was at a 7 to begin with and at the end of the call, my pain was at a 1. I heard the Lord say to walk out the rest of my healing. Praise God, it didn't take long! The following day, I wanted to do cartwheels down the hallway of my house! I wanted to shout from the roof tops that I was FREE! Now, when I am walking, I catch myself start to smile as I notice the freedom in my hips. They no longer feel bound. They no longer feel constrained. There is freedom in forgiveness and there is freedom in Jesus! Thank you Candra and the Healing Pool team! God bless you!"

Jan Dorval

"I feel free. I am glad that I was able to forgive and let all the shame go. I did not even realize that I was doing that. But God revealed that it was ok to let it go and to forgive them. It was such a pleasure to share that moment with my sister in God Maria and my newly added sister Nan. I know that God has a special mission for me and for all of us. I look forward to growing my knowledge, love and being apart of the ministry that has taught me so much."

Marianne Rodriguez

"God helped me heal emotional hurts from un forgiveness. I feel free and at peace. I also have a healed knee from arthritis and a healed right calf from sharp pains. God healed my spirit by reminding me that the blood of Jesus has made me worthy. I am loved. I am cherished. I am healed. Praise God and this wonderful healing ministry!😃"

Rhonda Lehmann

"Hi All, Just wanted to thank my Father for heavenly favor with my health insurance company. For some reason they have waived my deductible for this year. Just one day of treatment is $4000.00. Such favor, I have only had to pay my $75.00 copay for the two visits that have been processed so far. I believe the rest of the days will be covered as well, but even if they aren't I am amazed and blessed by His kiss."

Joy Renee Arnold

"For years my hubby and son never got along, always fighting, yelling and just down right hateful to each other. I have prayed for them and have asked for prayers for them.... just this past May when I started the Warriors 14 day challenge I had once again asked for prayer for them.... We or they are going on 2 months of getting along, no fights, no yelling, no hatefulness at all!!!!! They help each other, joke around, tell each other I love you, I appreciate you. This momma/wife now has peace, can relax, I'm not on edge or in defense mode. It is absolutely amazing to be in the same room with them and not stress or worry. ALL GLORY TO JESUS!!! In Gods time all will be amazing!!!"

Channin Vandiver

"On the COVID call to prayer with Max Navarro, I received a text from my brother, Brian, who lives in Florida. He is supposed to fly into ND from Florida in July to see me and my folks. It has been a year since we have seen them last. He just sent us a text saying that some states have quarantined Florida travelers and that as of yesterday, Florida has 5500 cases of the virus. Max said he wanted to pray for me first. He said that God heard my prayers for my family 3 weeks ago! Yes, I have been praying a lot for my family members! He said that God has heard my prayer and I am to trust Him. Then he said God wants to heal my right shoulder! I had a shoulder injury about 7 or 8 years ago throwing iron into a trailer. I felt it immediately! I have full motion and the tightness and stiffness is gone! I believe I will see my brother in a few weeks, well and happy! Thank you Lord!"

Jan Dorval

"I had another Healing Pools meeting with the ladies for knee pain. I was asked if I had anyone I needed to forgive and nobody came to mind. So, we started to talk about my knee. The team decided since it wasn't from an actual injury, it was generational. She confirmed this by asking me if anyone in my family had knee issues. I said, yes, my mom. So, Sharon prayed over me and broke off any generational curses that I was the brunt of. She asked me how my knee was doing and I said it moved to my ankle but my knee was great. She said that was the Spirit of Infirmity, as that moves to deceive. So, she prayed again for that to be removed. Sharon then asked me if there was any masionic stuff on my mom's side. I said yes. She said she saw someone kneeling and taking a vow with the Masons. Yes, I said, that was probably very accurate. So, she prayed again. And something broke. I started to feel like I was going to throw up and I started gagging. I then started to cough and cough and cough. Spirit of Infirmity be gone! Bye bye! After a blessing was prayed over me, I felt so much peace. So free. Now, for my knee, I was sitting out on my boat all day today and I told my husband to look at how I was sitting in the chair. I was really close to the side of the boat and had my knee bent for a long time. I told him, look, no pain! I couldn't sit like this for very long without feeling pain before! I just completed a 5 minute walk 7 minute run 5 minute walk and still no knee pain! God is good! Thank you Heeling Pools Ministry for walking me through even more healing and freedom! Nan's word for me was Divine Health! And to that I say, Yes and Amen. Thank you Jesus!"

Jan Dorval

"After a long bout with excruciating pain in my lower back it is now at a minimal at best and most of the time there is no pain! Sharon and her husband prayed over my back in early 2019 and late 2018. It is now gone!! The Lord has brought me out of the darkness and into the light!! "


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